Sunday, January 6, 2013


We've been swept out.
I can't keep kicking.

Along the Shore, shaky kissers turn their backs on an empty night.
They don't know we're out here.

There is a path to walk at the bottom:
a deep aqua almost pink corridor.
there are candle bugs on the floor
round and ripe paving a new horizon.

The ocean breathes with harmonium lungs.
There is a vine of water lilies strong enough to tug
if tugging were a railing made to Grace.

No shoes.
When you saw my eyes had receded
you took them off. 
You took yours off too.
You see things only a few pictures above me
and ahead.
You say we are like the silk now,
lining a soft stone path to the center of the sea.
I believe you.

A winter alto sings like she's lost something.
There is a glow.
Low dissolving notes.

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