Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 10

You said to never leave a cold glass un-coastered,
and this whiskey condensation's sure to leave a mark.
A reminder of promises' suicide.

Your crying eyes called for retraction
And I always wanted to be a runaway
so I ran till you couldn't hear the angels in my voice no more.

Cross country hitch-lust hike affair.
Touched a screw as I passed through all the state lines,
like we used to. 

In Topeka I made friends with a mailman. 
His name was Gary, 
Told me his daughter looked just like me.
That he hadn't heard from her in years.

In Terre Haute I saw your neck.
Someone else was wearing it.
And they didn't have it on right.

I bought forever stamps at the last post office
before passing through Warsaw, 
Because I made you something
And thought you out to have it
But before I could fold the coffee filter hearts into the snow pattern
I threw up.

So I mailed you that instead.


Week 11

The night you first saw me
you held my face.
We were whole. We were high. We were new.
Come over. 

 The night stopped. 
I've made a mistake.
It's probable that i will drown. 

Come over, 
the water's dark,
I've got everything lit.
The wax, it slowly drips down. 

I'm waist deep in Om's Lake
with her Indiana moon.
By the pontoon.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The grey suit 

I've spent nights
watching you shift shapes,
delving deep into the globe of your face
recalculating vocal variances.

You're ancestors must have tamed something wild,
for when the fur of your face comes close
it holds a growl.  

I want your mouth around my neck.
Carry me to your den. 
make me one of you. 

Land body-kisses that dip teeth to taste
one single birthmark hip.
Can't hardly see it with this lighting.
Hand sockets full of lush.
The grey suit you folded last shifted slightly during landing.
It fits better now.
Think of me when your arms go through it.
Play your heart out with a beggar. 
Let a gypsy read your palm.
And on your first cobbled night in Barcelona
when you see the red dress,
carry only spoken water.
Truth in a clear tenor promise. 
A softened drum.
Kindess to hush the wild hearts.
A cup of steam
for which the sailor's wife will take her tea.