Monday, August 10, 2015

It's True

Feeling powerful and infused.  

Feeling like a floating piece of lint. 

Feeling alive. 

Feeling alone. 

Feeling surrounded. 

Feeling un drowned 

Like I just re woke

Like I just re wrote

Like I've never left

Like I was only just yesterday crying 

Only just yesterday climbing

Only just yesterday dodging the 4 square rubber ball bounced from my brother's hands into my square 

Into my space, my mind, holding all these memories like feathers sure to blow away. 

Like the moments I'm not proud of. 

Like the moments I wasn't a part of. 

Like the moment that may or may not have existed. 

Like Santa Clause 

Like Tinkerbell

Like my sophomore Halloween costume

Like the chair in the upstairs library

Beside the staircase

Beside the theater books

Beside your backpack and the little black book with colored ink drawings of figures and bark leading into words leading into your winding thoughts in the light of day I proudly wore all that I could of you.  

Because I didn't want to go home. 

Didn't want to be me.  

Liked being a we.  Together.  Housing love.  Houses. 

Like the ones we grew up in. 

Big with two parents

Two parents who we saw crying 

For years 

then showing us true courage

Showing us forgiveness .



Love in my veins makes me run. 

But not away from.  To. 

To what?

I'll never know.