Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I miss the 'p' of your name / You were born a plosive
My thermal blanket I called you once
Something to put my unsocked toes under
I just remember feeling warm

And small
In a good way
Like a baby duck
Circling the kiddy pool.
Warm like coming up with excuses for the mall Santa,
Warm like you were born blind and just smelled waffles for the first time,
Warm like if I get pregnant I won’t even mind,
Warm like stupid.

Melted hands dripped maple syrup,
Always knotted my hair, made us change
The sheets.  Turned in the night
To iron, jealous and grabby.

Within blinks, it was soup
Grey and ungrateful with lentils.

We stared at it, crusting in its dusty bowl,
Like kids forced to watch their parents tongue.
Collard greens,
Sitting there getting sour, cold.

I felt absent,
Shoved you to the corner,  
Ignored until burnt,
So many unrecognizable crystals,
Forgot I’d ever been hungry.

Now, I miss the “p” of your name
I miss your caramel,
Your bathtub lungs.

My legs are asleep but I’m running
Muscles have been removed
--Or I’m driving,
I’m definitely spitting.
I’ll have to tend to these bruises
Molding underneath my skin,
With a Ziploc bag of ice or something,
Frozen peas.
Whatever I can find
In the back of that freezer. 

What My Dad Said
Let’s try for one more,
A girl this time
You are chestnut glazed
And I love you.

She’ll grow short like her momma
And be blonde like me
Shy, in a Rhode Island jumper.

Don’t get me wrong,
I love our boys,
Red Rowdy Wiffle Ball Bat, and
Washington Blue.
They’re the kings of the Big Wheel,
Their hotdog cul-de-sac Kingdom,
I couldn’t be more proud.

But their spaceship minds
And cylindrical finds
Of worms, dead rabbits and dinosaur lines
Make me long for a daughter.
Something cinnamon, that will feel bad for the fish.